Wednesday, July 2, 2008

It's All Making Sense Now!

I'm just gonna jump straight into it. Many of you knew that I wasn't going to be officially done with my degree until December 2008, but I planned on walking with my beloved class this May. Well, right before reading period I was informed that one could only have 8 hours that they needed to complete in order to participate in commencement. GOODNESS GRACIOUS! I'd already ordered AND paid for invitations, invited people, ordered a hoopla of stuff, pix...the whole 29 yards. But someone informed me that I could try to petition to still walk with my class. Once I was made aware of such, I got all necessary paperwork to try to make something work ((even though I needed 12 hours, but I was taking one of the classes this summer). In the midst of trying to get signatures and talking to the right people, I have my family and loved ones hanging on by a thread because they didn't know whether to go left or right either.

To make a long story short, I didn't walk. I mean, I still did Class Day because it would not have been the same with the Class of 2009. At any rate, I was heated...I didn't understand. I'd been checking off my list since January to make sure that I could walk with my class during commencement. All lights were green for me to go! And all of a sudden they were turning yellow and then completely red and I had to stop. I often questioned why it didn't work out?...I knew the "right" people...I had people petitioning on my behalf...but it still didn't work out.

Let's now fast-forward to my current life. Since then, I've reconnected with my paternal side of my family. If I would've walked in May, they would have missed out on that important accomplishment in my life. Now some people might say, "I wouldn't dare invite them to my graduation, they weren't there during my matriculation...etc etc." However, I'm mature enough to realize and admit that I wanted them to be there. Grant it, EVERYONE won't be able to attend commencement cuz we just don't get enough tickets, lol. I need about 56+ ((seriously)). But to have all sides of my family celebrating with me during Baccalaureate & other outings, will make my graduation experience even more memorable for me. So now I know that it wasn't my time to walk across that stage and it's totally ok!

It all makes sense though now! ALL OF IT! Fred Hammond has a song called, All Things Are Working. And it hit me in my throat when I heard the words because they are so true. Regardless if you're Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, or what...know that God/The Creator is working all things out.

All things are working for me, even things I can't see
Your ways are so beyond me,
but You said that you would let it be for my good,
so I'll rest and just believe

Is it making more sense to you now?

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