Thursday, July 31, 2008

I Haven't Figured This One Out...

Long time...NO TALK! I know. Today's question comes from a reader and she really wants some responses back. Hopefully this can create some good convo!!!

So, what does it take for a guy to have a sexual relationship with a girl? On what level does he have to be attracted to her? And how does it differ for females?


Anonymous said...

guy #1: a willingness or temptation and opportunity by both parties. a physical (at least) attraction.

(question to him): that's it? he doesn't have to have feelings? just as long as she's something good to look at?

his response: there are feelings, however, the origin for those feelings varies.

Anonymous said...

guy #2: all it takes is some phsyical attraction and sex can happen. it actually takes more to actually kiss someone than to have sex.

question to him: really? why do you say that?

his response: kissing and sex both imply intimacy, but sex feels better so it takes less motivation to do it because you get something out of it.

Anonymous said...

guy #3: strictly sexual?

question to him: either that or more. and why do they differ?

his response: they do. strictly sexual is just finding something attractive about them. something that turns you on. it might only be one thing. that's get you in bed at least once.

Anonymous said...

I can agree with guy #2...well mainly on the Kissing/Sex part.
It takes ALOT for me to kiss someone...for some reason, I feel kissing can be more intimate than intercourse. I can count, on both hands, in my 25 years, how many people I've kissed.

To answer the posed question...yea...there has to be a physical attraction...but personally, I'm not one to just have sex like that...I don't have to...I've been aroused off pure conversation and quality time. Don't get me wrong, sex is cool....i just think it's sometimes overrated.
I can see a bad ass chick, nice hair, nice shoes, nice body, beautiful character (all first impression), but I can't fock a dummy...what if she get's pregnant...I'm stuck with her dumb ass...and I'm cool off that. I need someone to stimulate my mind, and not just my "fireman"...HA!

Anonymous said...

guy #3 continued:

question to him: so when does it become based on something more than the physical?

his repsonse: when she speaks and you don't want to kick her in her throat.

Q: you're mean. what does it take to allow it to be strictly physical?

A: your attraction level overrides your ability to put up with them. but you would only interact on that level.

Q: so a guy is more willing to get some than to actually care? why are emotions useless? and how do you think this differs for women?

A: it's just that we are able to separate phsyical from emotional a little easier. women tend to be more likely to be in search and need of emotional stability and comfort while men tend to be content at times with just the phsyical.

Anonymous said...

guy #4: A guy can have an intimate relationship with a girl on a whim.. doesnt take too much, more so, just a basic level of physical attraction... historically, i think women are supposed to have higher standards, but it seems like nowadays, its an equal playing field.. and everyone is willing to have sex regardless of their sex. People are more willing to have sex with a person, before even going out on a date with them... its just become less special nowadays