This is how I feel right now. Confused...Torn...Lost...All of that. Now not in every area of my life, only in one particular area. I don't know whether to move on to another situation...or to stay here and see what pans out. But then I don't want to stay here and miss out on another opportunity just to see what happens. On the other hand, I don't wanna not see what this has to offer and just go back. I know we should live life with no fear and follow our hearts. But what if your heart is truly torn between the two. This is not to say that I'm in love, or @ least I don't think that I am, but I do care for both. I don't want to feel stupid. But I don't want to hold up my life either just to see what he's gonna say. I just don't know. One has my mind and another has my heart and I just don't know which one I want. I know that no one can give me the answers I want, I can't even give them to myself. This is just really weird...
At one point, it seemed I was good. Not that I had the key to everything, but it seemed like I was on smooth sailing, enjoying the ride. But all of a sudden a strong wind came from nowhere and got my map all wet and I can't read it anymore. North, South, East, & West aren't written in plain ol' English anymore. Any way I turn the map confuses and scares me. I don't wanna say yes to one and then feel stupid YET again. That's like sooooo 2007, lol. I really just don't know. I'm trying to listen to my heart and my mind, but I don't feel like I'm hearing anything and that's what scares me.
So I ask...what do you do when you once felt nothing from anywhere, but now your emotions are all over the place and you just feel lost?
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