Tangent #1: Everything You Do In the Dark WILL Come to Light
After recent conversations with friends and family members on a myriad of topics, a few "secrets" have been let out. Things that people have not only hidden from me, but their spouses, family members, pastors, mentees, and those of the like. Is pride that big and strong that one would rather put up a facade to make a situation seem like something it's not? Is the truth THAT painful?! I don't know...but I do know that a truthful mind and soul helps me to sleep at night. I don't know how other people do it! MY GOODNESS!
Tangent #2: Everything In Life Will NOT Be Given to Us On Silver Platters & Spoons
Even though my life may look good to some, TRUST I have had to work for the little that I do have. Though some things were born in me, I still had to work on those gifts and talents too. I didn't just up and one day end up a bomb.com mime {{if I do say so myself ;)}}, the same goes with singing, playing any sports, whatever. I was given something, and I worked with what I have. People have told me that I don't know the meaning of struggle, that I'm spoiled, and that life has always been easy. Well if that ain't far from the truth, then I don't know what is! Just because I don't sit around complaining about what has happened in my life and how I've been in a house with no lights on because we just didn't have the money, doesn't mean we haven't struggled. My struggle may not have been your struggle, but I too know the meaning of struggle. I don't apologize for having a mother who made up in HER mind to do better for herself and her children. I don't apologize if people do think I'm spoiled. Whatever. But I can tell you this, my life has been no fairy tale. Don't let what I look like now fool ya ;)
Tangent #3: Your Pride Will Always Get You In Some Type of Trouble
Now there is a HUGE difference between being prideful and confident. I'm gonna use a few definitions of each word, just so I can be clear in my point. I think anyone who has mind and can think can see the contrasting differences. But regardless if you're a Christian or not, the Psalm has a very valid point, in my personal opinion. If we are truthful and honest and hardworking and integril, why wouldn't God, the Creator, keep good things away from us. <
Ok...enough of my ramblings! Toodaloo
And another thing!
We can NOT sit around acting like people are just supposed to do stuff for us because we're ::insert your name here::. BooBoo! NO LOVE MUFFIN! NO MA'AM NO SIR! Unfortunately, it doesn't work like that. If you want something, get up and get it.
Ok, that's all for real...I think
Wait 2 more minutes!
Tangent #5: It's Not Selfish To Take A Break from Some People
Have you ever people in your life that just DRAINED you?! Like O-M-G! Always complaining about something...always got something to say...stubborn...stuck in their ways?! Lawd of mercy! That's some monkey doodle foolishness! I have to step back and reevaluate a particular relationship because it's just so draining. I help those who are willing to help themselves. But I'm willing to risk my sanity, my peace of mind, joy, etc just to help other people with their problems and they're not trying to solve them.
................which leads me to tangent #6!.....................
Tangent #6: At The End of the Day, People Are Gonna Do Whatever They Wanna Do
I think this one is pretty self-explanatory.
I'm done for real this time :)
tangent/rant...call it what you want. this was honest in so many aspects and i could definitely relate to each of your tangents.
the 1st tangent: i completely agree, everything comes to light. i just want to know who put people in charge of being able to decide who can and can't handle the truth. if you think your lie is going to hurt me, don't decide before you give me the chance to make my own judgment. you may be surprised how much i can actually handle.
tangent #2: you hit the nail on the head. i have been called "spoiled" so many times. and it's funny because people make surface judgements all the time. you see that i'm well dressed. or that i drive a nice car. and we all know the Spelman rumor: we're all spoiled, rich, and stuck up. but do you know the sacrifices that were made to make ANY of that possible?! i wasn't given anything without hard work. i deserve everything i've been given. and these are the same values i will give my chilren. everyone remembers that episode of the cosbys where Vanessa was mad her parents were rich. hmm, no darling, you have nothing, loL.
tangent #3. integrity will get you so very far. oOo, He is good. all the time.
sorry for my response/rant, lol.
Các bạn đang muốn tải nhạc chuông độc bao gồm tất cả các bài hát mới nhất, độc đáo... rất đơn giản thôi, bạn chỉ cần truy cập vào nhacchuonghay.mobi và chọn thể loại nhac chuong mà mình yêu thích. Tất nhiên bạn còn có thể tai nhac chuong doc của rất nhiều ca sĩ khác trên thế giới, hãy cùng nhau nghe và cảm nhận thôi các bạn. Nhacchuonghay chúc các bạn chọn được những bài nhạc chuông ưng ý nhất cho dế yêu của mình
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